
Reflection (Page 54)

The Importance of Relationships

I was in Starbucks last week standing in line to grab my usual Grande Pike with room when I went to grab my phone out of my pocket to check my emails. But before I grabbed it, I stopped and looked at the other people in the lineup. There were nine of us standing in…


One of my favourite scenes in all the Star Trek movies is the one where Spock does a mind meld with McCoy and tells him, “Remember.” It strikes me in a really deep way because so often in my life, in the busyness of things, I don’t… Remembering is one of the most important motifs…

Rich in Christ

Whenever I go grocery shopping, inevitably I end up in the “slow” line. Sometimes it is a new cashier in training and other times it is a price check. But there have been the odd times where the person paying for their groceries did not have enough money or their card didn’t work. I think…

After the Flood…

We had a big rain storm here in Edmonton on Saturday night. There was a lot of thunder and the ground got a good soaking. The rain, coupled with our Sunday School class got me thinking about life. We have been going through Genesis in our Sunday School class and just finished chapter 8. This…

Having a Complete Picture of God

I find it fascinating how two (or more) people can read the same thing, yet come up with different conclusions. One of the most common differences is with how people see the Bible. Has anyone ever told you there are two Gods in the Bible? There is a cruel God of the Old Testament and…