

We are going to post Bible devotions, for everyone to relate to their own lives and strive towards God.  Devotions are a great place to find inspiration in your spiritual journey. Various readings cause you to ponder God’s Word and come across insightful instruction on vital spiritual themes.

Losing the Real Purpose of Serving God

Why do we volunteer for VBS?  Why do we help the worship team, teach Sunday school or clean the church?   We might be confused about why you see people work so hard for the church. We do this because we love God, and we are to serve him with our hearts but not with our…

Love Does Not Dishonor Others

First of all, honour is showing esteem for one deserving of respect, attention, or obedience. Another word for honour is to glorify. The most important level of honour is for God, and Him alone. In the Bible, it says to honour God is to respect and fear Him. To honour God is to honour others,…

How/Why is Jesus Joy to us?

🎄Joy 🎄 Throughout History, God performed soooo much miracles like creating the universe, sending the big flood, dividing the red sea, many, many more. But the greatest miracle is from this verse, The Word became human and made his home among us -John 1:14 God made himself flesh which means a human and made his home,…

Pray Listen Encourage Give

The effects of living in a fallen world is pretty obvious. Everyone including Christians carry burdens challenging to that individual. WE learned at Hope about how Johnathan and David bore each other’s burdens. When you see someone in pain, suffering, dealing with mental illness or loss and other human experiences… It’s easy to maybe help…

Self Control on Electronics

Sometimes we always see people pulling out their phones and ignoring others around them. When you hang out at hope fellowship, you hurry and take out your phone and start to scroll around the screen.  Sometimes when you are in a hurry you even drop your phone and crack your screen!! We pull out our…