
'commitment' tagged posts

Pursuing Godliness

For many of us, social and physical distancing has had many negative effects on us. As the weather has improved we have a natural desire to go outside and be more active. As a diabetic, being active is important. I need to get physically healthy but to do so requires discipline and opportunity. That being…

Testing Your Faith

Sometimes when you read the Bible, a verse will jump out off the page and slap you across the face. When you read the Bible with an open mind and heart, the bluntness of it can be jarring. One verse in particular that comes to mind is 1 John 2:19. It says, “They went out…

From the Inside Out

“You’re not going out wearing that!” How many of us have heard that before? I usually hear it when I attempt to leave the house wearing sweatpants. The truth is, many of us place a tremendous amount of importance on one’s outward appearance. The first church I served at had an unwritten “rule” that pastors…

Getting off the Couch

If you ever worked in an office environment, one of your favorite comic strips would have been Dilbert. The strip is focused on different characters working in office cubicles with a cruel boss who uses negative reinforcement to get better production and attitudes from his staff. Most of us don’t operate very well under those…

Compelled by Love

Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. It is a day we set aside to celebrate those who are closest to us. We spend money purchasing flowers, chocolates and other gifts at significantly higher prices than other times of the year. Roses go from $20 a dozen to $75… the things we do for love! Paul writes in…