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2024 Brothers and Sisters Jan-Dec Offering Record
在愛浸進行實體以及網上崇拜的期間,我們鼓勵大家繼續履行十一奉獻的教導;您可以以郵寄方式郵寄至教會,並於支票填上您的奉獻號碼;亦可用 e-Transfer 的方式直接奉獻到教會銀行帳戶。至於電子付款的細節,大家只要按照平常的電子付款程序,打入愛城華人浸信會的財政部電郵 finance@ecbchurch.org 完成付款,於 message / comment 處填上您的姓名、奉獻號碼,奉獻細節例如 $1000 感恩,$1000 UA 大學查經班等;若您需要財政部去額外確認已收到您的獻金, 亦請您一併說明,及把您的個人電郵地址填上。財政部會按照提供的資料,把您的奉獻,記入教會奉獻記錄中。
The Church Finance has set up an online giving system for your offering via the e-Transfer. Please be sure to include the offering number (if applicable) and category (Tithe, Thanksgiving, Faith, Theology Education, Mission, Flower, Building Maintenance, Others) in the “message” field, then complete the E-transfer to finance@ecbchurch.org. Alternatively, brothers and sisters can continue to mail their cheque with the offering number and instructions to the church; your offering will be posted accordingly.
所有未於網上登記,申請獲取電子報稅收條的弟兄姊妹,敬請於公佈日期後,到愛城華人浸信會辦公室領取您的報稅收條。居住愛城以外的弟兄姊妹,我們會以郵遞方式寄出您的報稅收條。歡迎聯絡愛浸財政部 finance@ecbchurch.org 作進一步了解及查詢。
In recent years, paperless becomes the trend in doing business, as a result, ECBC Finance Committee like to email the official offering receipt for tax deduction (RECEIPT) to our brothers and sisters for 2020 and subsequent years. Please sign up the request of an e-Tax Receipt at the church webpage by providing your personal information to ensure information on the RECEIPT is correct. To sign up the request, simply complete the “ECBC e-Tax Receipt Registration” form below on or before January 11, 2026. Please note the information provided is strictly confidential and is solely used to issue the RECEIPT. You do not required to sign up if there’s no change to your profile and that you have completed the form in previous year(s).
Paper RECEIPT for those do not sign up below will be issued and can be picked up at our church office. RECEIPT will be mailed to those who live out of Edmonton. Date of the RECEIPT distribution will be announced in later days when our review of the offering is finalized. If you have any question or concern regarding the e-Tax receipt, please contact us at finance@ecbchurch.org.
Thank you for helping the ECBC Finance to make good use of our church resources and to continue serving Christ faithfully.