
'grace' tagged posts

Our Confession Leads to God’s Healing

How skilled are you at admitting you are wrong? When I was early on in my marriage, I struggled to admit any fault or wrongdoing in a conflict. My “apologies” were often half-hearted and did not lead to real and long-lasting change. It took years before I could truly admit to my mistakes and take…

Connecting the Dots

When people ask me as a pastor what gets me excited, most expect me to say, “When somebody gives their lives to Jesus.” In Luke 9 we read that the angels in heaven rejoice when a sinner repents. Therefore, when a person commits their lives to Christ, that should excite us. Although I agree that…

Grace to Works

If you ask anyone, “What is the most well-known hymn of all-time”, there is no doubt the answer would be “Amazing Grace.” The staying power of that song in a secular culture is amazing. When we think of I,t we have to marvel at the word grace. When most religious words are overused and mean…

Falling Short

I think many of us feel a tremendous amount of pressure to perform. Now I am not referring to doing a play or singing a song, rather I am thinking about living our lives to meet someone else’s expectations. It might be our parents, trying to live our lives in light of their expectations. It…

Surrender Leads to Victory

Sunday was Remembrance Day. It is a day we set aside to remember and honour the fallen, the veterans who survived and those who continue to serve and sacrifice so much so we can experience the freedoms we have in our country. I cannot imagine what our lives would have been like if 100 years…