
'grace' tagged posts (Page 2)

The Great Exchange

In the life of Jesus, He has interactions with people from every walk of life. There were fishermen, teachers of the law, prostitutes and tax collectors. But there was one person with whom Jesus had no contact with yet he benefited greatly because of Jesus’ death. His name was Barabbas. His name literally means, “son…

Understanding Grace

One of the most awful feelings I have experienced in my life is the feeling of guilt when I realize my sin. Now, I’m not talking about the kind of guilt when I get caught or even the remorse, I’m talking about the magnitude of sin in its effect on my relationship with God. For…

Grace over Face

Although it is a dying platform, there are still more than a billion people registered on the social media site Facebook. And when you read their posts, everyone seems pretty happy. If you don’t believe me, just look at their pictures. If you click on practically any Facebook page you want – maybe your son’s,…

Getting What We Don’t Deserve

When I was a new Christian, it was difficult to read the Old Testament. Most of the preaching and teaching focused on Jesus, the disciples and the work of the Holy Spirit. In Genesis 43, we read the story of Joseph and his relationship with his siblings after his rise to power in Egypt. This…

Grace to Fight Temptation

I was again reminded this week of the importance of prayer. As Christians, it is easy to fall into the temptation of taking God for granted. This leads to letting our guards down and falling to the wiles of Satan. Jesus’ reminder to pray regularly against temptation reminds us just how prevalent and dangerous the…