
'Christ' tagged posts

What Does Jesus want for Christmas?

Every year at Christmas, children write their letters to Santa hoping that he will bring them what they want for Christmas. Some ask for Barbies while others ask for a firetruck or the newest Lego kit. Others desire big things like peace on earth while others ask for the very basics and necessities for life.…

Stop Being Dead!

A fable is told about an eagle that thought he was a chicken. When the eagle was very small, he fell from the safety of his nest. A chicken farmer found the eagle, brought him to the farm, and raised him in a chicken coop among his many chickens. The eagle grew up doing what…

The Necessity of the Cross

When you look at all the events that have happened in history, which one is the most significant? Now, we can look at wars like World War II where the introduction of nuclear weapons happened. There are inventions like the internal combustion engine or the printing press that have changed societies and cultures. There is…

Lost Treasure

I’ve heard in the past from some pastors and authors that we need to “Preach the gospel to ourselves every day”. But why should we do that if we are already Christians? Do we really need to hear the gospel over and over again? Although many of us have responded to the gospel and given…

It is Settled

When we lived in Calgary, our home was located in one of the city’s most coveted neighbourhoods. People drove nice cars and many lived in massive homes. The sad part of living in a community like that is when people would come home, they would drive into their garages and you would never see them…