

A Shepherd’s Farewell Blessing

This past Sunday was my last Sunday as pastor of the English congregation at Edmonton Chinese Baptist Church. After over seven years of ministry here, it is time to move on. It was a difficult decision bathed in prayer and godly counsel. That being said, as I enter this time of transition, it is an…

The Winds of Change

Happy New Year everyone. Most things I have read online are filled with the hope that this past year was an aberration. The pandemic and the fallout from it has left many broken and tired, myself included. But as bad as many of us felt this past year was, there are millions around the world…

Make the Most of Your Time

Today as I write this, the date is December 28th, the last Monday of one of the most difficult and chaotic years of recent memory. What started off as a year of hopes and dreams turned into, for many, a time of struggle, pain and grief. With Christmas now past us, we return to the…

Why We need Christmas

George Strombopolis used to have a show on CBC called the Daily Show. In one episode, he had the prominent atheist, Richard Dawkins as his guest. They spoke about society and culture with Dawkins promoting his view that the only reality is science and reason. In his opinion, religion should have no place in society.…

What Does Jesus want for Christmas?

Every year at Christmas, children write their letters to Santa hoping that he will bring them what they want for Christmas. Some ask for Barbies while others ask for a firetruck or the newest Lego kit. Others desire big things like peace on earth while others ask for the very basics and necessities for life.…