
Reflection (Page 53)

Filling the Hole in Your Heart

I love watching home improvement shows. Watching a designer work is incredible. They take a worn out canvas of a home or business and with colour, fabric and furniture, transform it into something beautiful and functional. When we moved into our house in Edmonton, we bought some new furniture for our living room. As we…

Pursuing Your Real Treasure

How many of us have ever waved at someone thinking it was somebody you knew only to discover it wasn’t? It’s kind of embarrassing isn’t it? Now imagine you are pursuing something in your life only to discover in the end that it was meaningless… how would that make you feel? In Luke 12, a man…

A Course in Compassion

One of the biggest trends of social media is the issue of public shaming. On one particular Facebook page from my home town, someone posted a picture of a vehicle, license plate and all. The person who posted it included a the story of seeing them throw out a cigarette butt off to the side…

Peace with Each Other

When Paul listed peace as one of the nine fruit of the Spirit, he was primarily thinking about peace with other people. He had already warned the people of Galatia of “biting and devouring each other (5:15) giving an exhaustive list that included hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy.…

Rediscovering God’s Love

I can remember many years ago taking a seminar on working with youth. The speaker shared about his experience working with teenagers and made some profound observations. He described a group of youth using three categories: honest pagans – those searching for truth; committed Christians – those committed to learning more about their faith; and…