
Reflection (Page 51)


Recently I have been spending some of my free time cleaning out the garage. My wife hate’s the garage because there are a “few” spiders hanging around. She doesn’t like spiders and gets creeped out when they are around. While we were on holidays on Vancouver Island, we saw a lot of them in and…

A Family Resemblance

A few weeks ago, we went on holidays to Vancouver Island and while there had a chance to visit with my mom for her 80th birthday. It was also a chance for all my brothers to get together, the first time since our father passed away about 13 years ago. Looking at pictures of my…

Discovering God’s Fingerprint

For our church retreat a few weeks ago, I brought some play dough for the kids to play with while the teens and adults had their devotional time. Play dough is such a cool thing to play with as it takes on the shape of any object pressed into it. If you used your finger,…

Standing out from the crowd

For the past couple weeks I have been away on holidays in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island. One of the interesting observations about being there was I really stood out. The majority of the people who live there are older retired Caucasians. Being Chinese and quite large, I stood out quite easily. We live…

Blood is Thicker than Water

Thanksgiving is one of my favourite holidays. It is a great chance to reflect on the past year and remember to thank God for the great things He has done in my life. It is also a good opportunity to look forward and revision where we hope to be. I was reading some testimonies of…