
The Importance of Relationships

I was in Starbucks last week standing in line to grab my usual Grande Pike with room when I went to grab my phone out of my pocket to check my emails. But before I grabbed it, I stopped and looked at the other people in the lineup. There were nine of us standing in line and all had their phones out and were staring intently into their screens and nobody was talking. I left my phone in my pocket…

To me, this whole experience reminded me how relationships and simple things like talking to one another has changed.

Relationships are an important part of life. We begin a relationship with someone from the moment we are born and most of us will continue in relationships of some sort until the day we die. God encourages relationships.

The Bible is full of them. It is obvious that from the beginning of time, people need people. Even God Himself said about Adam in Genesis 2:18, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.” Jesus, too, did not do life alone. He had His family, friends, and disciples to love, help, and encourages Him throughout His life here on earth.

Today, I want to take a look at the different relationships in our lives. I also want to point out the importance of prioritizing them. I believe if you want to lead a balanced life with purpose, it is crucial to order the relationships in your life God’s way.

It starts with our number one relationship, and that is with God. This should be the most important relationship in your life. Don’t say that you don’t have time because the reality is, you do. We make the time for what is important to us, don’t we? The way to get to know God better is to spend time in His Word and prayer. Spending time with the Lord helps us to gain strength and perspective as we go through our days and face the challenges ahead. So why is our relationship so important? Richard and Sharon Phillips said this, “Only when we are finding our ultimate satisfaction in God are we able to relate rightly to one another.” All of our relationships are founded firstly on our relationship with God!

If you are married, the second most important relationship is with your spouse. Spending time with your spouse. Over time, your relationship with your spouse will evolve and change and to honest I have found that this relationship is the one that takes the most effort for me. I love my wife dearly, but I also take her for granted the most. I find it is easy for me to allow my children, friends, or just busyness to get in the way of time with my spouse. It is important to set aside time and foster that relationship.

Thirdly, we need to put effort in our relationship with our families. That would include children if you have any or your siblings and parents if you are younger and single. I can remember taking a course on working with youth and the instructor said that kids spell love – T I M E. I believe that with all my heart. The Bible tells us that children are a gift from Him. We are to treat them like that, a gift. As I have discovered as I have gotten older, they are only with us for a short time, so let’s make the most of it.

For those without children and who maybe live at home, maintaining a good relationship with parents and siblings may seem challenging. But the principle is still the same. If you take the time to strengthen them now, it will transform how you relate to one another later on in life. Parents and little brothers aren’t the “enemy.” Each of you were uniquely created in the image of God and put into a family to be a blessing to one another.

Lastly, we need to work at building and transforming relationships with others. This includes everyone reading this. Our relationships with other people could include family, friends, business associates, mentors, neighbours and more. These are important, and in order to develop, grow, and nurture these relationships, time is needed.

I have been blessed with many different friends over the years. Although I don’t have time to spend with them each day, I always want them to know how important they are in my life and how much I love them. That takes effort on my part, but what I receive back is priceless. If you find yourself lacking in this area, create special moments with these special people in your life. Make a phone call. Mail a card. Send an email. Invite to lunch. Have a party. Create a “girls” or “guys night out” event. Pray for them.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us that alone we can be attacked and defeated. This says to me, that we need people in our lives. We weren’t meant to go this life alone. It is often someone close to me who reminds me that I’m special when I’m feeling defeated. When I am alone, I often listen to the wrong voice if I’m not careful. The people in my life offer me love, encouragement, and fulfillment that tell me otherwise. I often refer to them as Jesus “in the flesh.”

This verse goes on to say that “two can stand back to back and conquer”. Then there is my favorite part. It’s when God is a part of our relationships. “Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”


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