
Blog Posts (Page 92)

We have various blog posts from different people around the church. We hope this will provide another channel to gain more understanding about our church, about being a christian, as well as about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Announcement: 10/29/2017

Reminder: Daylight Savings Time ends on the morning of November 5th (at 2:00am); clocks are turned backward 1 hour. The National collection week for Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse is between November 13th-19th. Each shoe box is an opportunity to show God’s love to a child — Grab a shoe box and fill it…

Maximum Forgiveness, Maximum Love

Have you ever stopped in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer and said to yourself. “I can’t do it!” The hurt that you experienced was so deep and so painful that there was no way you could see yourself forgiving the wrong. When you came to the words, “…forgive us our trespasses as we forgive…

Announcement: 10/22/2017

The National collection week for Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse is between November 13th-19th. Each shoe box is an opportunity to show God’s love to a child — Grab a shoe box and fill it with a well-balanced variety of items: school supplies, hygiene items, toys and other gifts (click here for more details).…

Doing Life…God’s Way

As a parent and now a grandparent, I’ve learned that raising children requires a lot of patience, grace, and love. Part of love is placing things like parameters and boundaries to keep them safe and in line. As they get older, generally the boundaries are relaxed as they become more responsible and mature. When they…

Announcement: 10/15/2017

Joyce Chan’s wedding ceremony is next Saturday on October 21st at 1:30 pm, which will take place in the main sanctuary. The National collection week for Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse is between November 13th-19th. Each shoe box is an opportunity to show God’s love to a child — Grab a shoe box and…