
'love' tagged posts (Page 4)

Respect One Another

When I walk into Starbucks, inevitably somebody is walking out. Out of courtesy and habit, I hold the door open allowing the other person to exit the store. While I sit in the store having my morning coffee, I often observe how people interact when entering and exiting the building. Some are courteous and gracious,…

Maximum Forgiveness, Maximum Love

Have you ever stopped in the middle of the Lord’s Prayer and said to yourself. “I can’t do it!” The hurt that you experienced was so deep and so painful that there was no way you could see yourself forgiving the wrong. When you came to the words, “…forgive us our trespasses as we forgive…

Loving Our Neighbour

We recently came back from a short visit to Vancouver Island to visit family. While there, we stayed in the home of some missionary friends who were away ministering up the West Coast of BC and Alaska. Although it wasn’t a restful visit – visiting family can be that way – the mission organization who…

Good News

When we look at the world today, it is hard to stay positive. The news lately has been very depressing. In Edmonton, the murder total continues to rise. Stories of child abuse and human trafficking continue to fill the headlines. Natural disasters seem to be on the rise. I’m not even bringing up what we…

Applying Grace

I like many people have what is lovingly called a “junk drawer.” It is a drawer in the kitchen or in the workshop where all the “thing-a-ma-jigs” and “what-cha-ma-call-its” go. They are the odds and ends we find that if we were asked what they were for, we probably couldn’t give an answer. Whenever I…