
Reflection (Page 7)

The Necessity of the Cross

When you look at all the events that have happened in history, which one is the most significant? Now, we can look at wars like World War II where the introduction of nuclear weapons happened. There are inventions like the internal combustion engine or the printing press that have changed societies and cultures. There is…

Lost Treasure

I’ve heard in the past from some pastors and authors that we need to “Preach the gospel to ourselves every day”. But why should we do that if we are already Christians? Do we really need to hear the gospel over and over again? Although many of us have responded to the gospel and given…

Fear, Failure and Forgiveness

I am doing a Bible study with people in our congregation on dealing with fear and anxiety. It has given me an opportunity to think about my own fears in life. Things most people fear such as death, dogs, spiders and such are not really concerns for me. Yes, the process of arriving at death…

A Prayer for Growing Christians

For most pastors, finding a church to minister at is very difficult. Unlike many mainline churches, the process is not much different than applying for a “normal” job. You go in and put your best face forward and the church does the same. One question that is often asked of the candidate is, “Do you…

What is the Glory of God?

When we think about our purpose in life, we often focus on things we can do for the betterment of others or to improve our own lives. But the Bible tells us what our purpose truly is. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, we read, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it…