
Reflection (Page 6)

What, Me Worry?

I grew up reading MAD magazine. The “spokesperson” for the magazine was a character named, Alfred E. Neuman. His motto was simple, “What, me worry?” Now if I were to take a survey right now of everyone, I would be pretty sure a large majority would be stressing over something. Worry is something we battle…

Do I Need a Reboot?

My phone is getting old. Actually, it is about four years old and for the most part, works fine. But every so often, it freezes. It might be Instagram or Facebook or one of the other apps downloaded on my phone. Is it a virus, or malware? Is it a poor connection? To remedy it,…

Two Empty Cups

There is a classic scene in the movie, “The Princess Bride” where the hero, Wesley, also known as the “Dread Pirate Roberts” has a battle of wits with one of the princess’ abductors, “Vizzini,” a Sicilian mercenary. They sit across from each other with a small table separating them. On the table are two goblets…

Justice Served

Two young men pulled up alongside a car at a traffic light. On the prowl for someone to rape, they saw a lovely young woman in the car next to them. She was just the kind of target they were looking for. Following the woman to an apartment complex, they grabbed her, took her to…

The Principle of Obedience

If you grew up in a home with several siblings, you can easily remember instances of sibling rivalry. It’s natural, isn’t it? Sometimes you were the victim, sometimes the instigator; but in all cases, there were sinful actions and sinful reactions. Even if you are an only child or have one sibling, you can likely…