
Blog Posts (Page 147)

We have various blog posts from different people around the church. We hope this will provide another channel to gain more understanding about our church, about being a christian, as well as about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Unity in Church

Prologue: (Welcome to Superbowl Sunday 2015) Do you belong to a member’s only group/league? – Costco, Gym Membership, soccer league, Golf membership, etc Did you know? – Yellowstone Club has one of the most expensive memberships in the world at $300,000 to join and an annual fee of $30,000 Read Ephesians 2:17-22 a. Paul wrote…

Taking Time to Cuddle

On days when it is especially cold outside, getting up is hard. It’s dark and dreary, and staying warm under the covers in bed would be so much more preferable! But the sad reality is we need to get up because there is a lot to do! We need to get ready for work. We…

Announcement: 02/01/2015

On Friday February 6th, there will be a time of sharing by Mason Lin, who recently came back from his Mission Trip.  It will take lace in the fellowship hall (basement) of ECBC at 7:00pm. Please save the day and feel free to invite others to come. The Cantonese Congregation is spearheading the Chinese New Year Celebration…

In the Midst of the Storm…

How many have ever had “one of those days?” You know what I mean. Those are the days when you wish you had stayed in bed, pulled the covers over your head and gone back to sleep. We all have them. But what about when those days turn into weeks or months or even years.…

Announcement: 01/18/2015

Next week is our first Joint Worship of 2015, the New Year Installation Service. Please note that the worship service starts at 10:00am and it will be in Cantonese with English translation. There is no Membership meeting scheduled for January. Our Children Ministry is inviting all volunteers and parents with children of nursery-aged to a…