
'repent' tagged posts

Essentials to Prayer

Jesus exemplified a meaningful prayer life. He took regular time to pray often escaping away by Himself to spend time with His Father. Prayer was an important aspect of His life and ministry. Jesus saw prayer as a time of refreshment, an opportunity for communion, and to intercede to God on the behalf of others.…

A Changed Attitude Leads to a Changed Life

When we see a young child proudly strutting around or acting arrogantly, we sometimes make the comment that the child has “attitude.” It is often seen as a negative trait, but I think it is neither positive or negative. According to the dictionary, the word “attitude” means “an internal position or feeling with regard to…

Bringing Down the Walls

Leadership brings with it a myriad of challenges. Many of them are outside of ourselves, yet many of the most challenging are from within. I’ve been reading through the book of Joshua again to help gain a clearer perspective on the connection between leadership and faith. I think we often forget that being a leader requires the…