
'John' tagged posts

Wired to Doubt

We have been doing some renovations on our sixty-year-old house. It is challenging to fix an old building because when you open a wall, whatever you find needs to be fixed. In some houses you will find aluminum and copper wiring in the same wall. If discovered, it must be fixed. Rewiring a house is…

Six Reasons for Christmas

Almost 30 years ago, our family suffered one of the most difficult tragedies that can occur… the loss of a child. During that time and even today, people often ask, “How did you handle that?” My answer, “We couldn’t… at least not without hope.” I have attended and done many funerals where there wasn’t that…

A Christmas Surprise

Yesterday marked the first Sunday of Advent. It is a time of anticipation, when we remember and celebrate God coming into the world. For me Christmas is also about surprises. In many ways, it always has been. That’s part of what makes Christmas – Christmas! I remember when I was a child Christmas Eve was…