
'God' tagged posts (Page 4)

My God has a Name…

With the approach of Good Friday and Easter this weekend, I spent some time thinking about the sacrifice of Jesus. I have been preaching in our church out of the Book of Philippians over the last number of weeks and I was struck by a passage in chapter 2, verses 9-11, “Therefore God exalted him…

Seeing God as He is

When I went back to school to Briercrest College and Seminary, I had to take an English course. I had been out of school for a decade and I needed to “brush up” on my writing skills. In this class, we had to read a series of short stories. Each of these stories were filled…

The Purpose of Trials

I was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. Everyday, I have to poke my finger and check the blood sugar levels. From where my levels were, things have definitely improved. But still, the process to get the diet, exercise and medication balance figured out to maintain healthy sugar levels is frustrating and at times confusing.…

“Heartbreak Hill”

I am preparing to do a sermon series at our church based on the Book of Philippians over the next number of weeks. As I was doing some preparation for it, a short passage caught my eye. It reads, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal…

A Paradox Shift…

If we have learned nothing else from our culture telling us what we should do to be happy, we have learned this: It is just not true. If we spend time examining the hows and whats of worldly happiness, we end up realizing what happiness is not. Prior to becoming a Christian, I already knew…