
'Easter' tagged posts

Hope in the Middle of Despair

For many people in our world, Easter is just another opportunity to take an extra day or two off of work and spend it with family and friends. The Easter story is about a man who lived two thousand years ago. He walked the Earth teaching about peace and God’s love. Eventually, He got enough…

The Gospel according to Peter

With Easter quickly approaching, we are coming to the pinnacle of the Christian calendar. As much as we celebrate the Incarnation at Christmas, it is Easter, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, where the miracle of the events of the Incarnation took effect. These events and their purpose are the gospel. Today, the gospel…

April Fools?

One of the most important passages in the Bible is found in 1 Corinthians 15:12-28. Paul writes, “But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been…

Christ is Risen, Indeed!

When I was growing up, every year we had to go the cemetery and pay our respects to the ancestors. It was based on the Chinese calendar and almost always ended up around Easter. There we would give an offering of rice, an orange, an apple, a shot of tea and an alcoholic beverage, and…

Continuing the Story of Easter

This beautiful Monday morning has given me a chance to reflect on this past weekend. Easter is a time of remembrance and celebration. It is a time we set aside to remember what Jesus Christ did on the cross 2000 years ago and to celebrate how His actions have given us forgiveness and hope. When…