
Reflection (Page 9)

Essentials to Prayer

Jesus exemplified a meaningful prayer life. He took regular time to pray often escaping away by Himself to spend time with His Father. Prayer was an important aspect of His life and ministry. Jesus saw prayer as a time of refreshment, an opportunity for communion, and to intercede to God on the behalf of others.…

Holding on to Tradition

“We have always done it that way!” I have heard that countless times in my lifetime and most often in the church. It might be something minor such as the colour of a hymnbook or more important in who may partake in the Lord’s Supper. I have had many discussions with church leaders over how…

Practical Atheism

When I used to work for a Christian social justice agency, there were people there from a variety of Christian and non-Christian traditions. The Executive Director at the time really liked the breadth of traditions as he felt it gave a more complete view of what the church of Jesus is supposed to look like.…

Precious in His Sight

One of the most difficult things for pastors is determining what to preach every week. I try to plan my sermons a few months ahead of time, but as each week comes around, sometimes things change. It might be something in the news or something a person in the church is dealing with. Regardless, there…

Bigger is not Always Better

Many years ago, I was a part of a church that was growing. An additional service was added to deal with higher attendance. To manage the anticipated rise in attendance, they began a building project. Thousands of dollars were raised and the land was purchased. Shortly thereafter, the senior pastor became ill and momentum was…