
Reflection (Page 50)

What’s Stopping You?

As a fan of Star Trek, I loved watching their interactions with the Borg. For those who are not familiar with the Borg, they were a collective of species whose primary purpose was to assimilate technology for their own advancement. They would say, “resistance is futile” to their potential foes because they knew they confident…


I spoke in church this week about the Great Commission. We are all called to go and make disciples of Jesus Christ. But to make disciples means we too need to be one. To be growing Christians, we must be disciples of Jesus Christ. Why? Because Jesus told us to go into all the world…

Looking for the Loopholes

I was reading a story about the comedian W. C. Fields. It said shortly before he died, he was seen flipping through the pages of a Bible. When asked what he was doing, Fields replied, “Looking for loopholes.” I think we look for loopholes all the time, don’t we? Think about taxes. We try to…

Food for the Soul

I was listening to the news this morning and there was a lot of discussion about Halloween candy and the dangers within. Sadly, they were talking about pills and razor blades found in some children’s candy, not the worthless calories. That being said, many parents struggle with this time of the year as their children…

Being a Person of Influence

I was reading a story about a man who used to work on the Boeing 747. For 15 years it was his job to work on a switchbox that was smaller than a loaf of bread. As small as that component was, without it, flight would have been impossible. It reminded me of our potential…