
Reflection (Page 33)

Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus

I know it is strange to think about Christmas at the end of August, but sometimes we are reminded of some of the great Christmas hymns as we ponder God and how we see Him. One of my favorite Christmas hymns brings a connection between Christ’s coming into history and into our hearts. The hymn…

What Matters Most

Take a few moments and think about how busy your life is. What are some of the things that are pulling at your time and energy right now? Have to prepare dinner or where to go for lunch? Stop and look @ our lives – we are busy! Many of us are busy with our…

God Works Through His Words

“Prove there is a god, that’s all we ask!” Now, this may seem like a common question we hear today from non-Christians everywhere. But this question is nothing new. In fact, we find this same statement in the Bible. In John 14:8, Philip asks Jesus, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough…

Being a Blessing

In my recent trip to the Northwest Territories, I experienced what it means to be a blessing. We went there with an idea of what would happen, but like many ministry endeavors, things changed. Our time there was filled with serving through our skills and efforts as well as connecting through relationships. It was challenging…

Who Needs Grace?

I want to begin by asking a question: Which person needs God’s grace more: the conscientious, dutiful, hardworking Christian or the most decadent hard-living sinner? I once heard that grace was defined as making up the difference between God’s righteous law and what we lack in living up to those requirements. No one can merit…