
Blog Posts (Page 122)

We have various blog posts from different people around the church. We hope this will provide another channel to gain more understanding about our church, about being a christian, as well as about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Announcement: 04/24/2016

We are having a BBQ on April 30th (next Saturday) at church! It will start at 4pm and go until late night. We will be serving up ribs, hot dogs, burgers as well as having some fruits and salad. We just ask people to bring in their own card/board/sports games as well as $10 to chip in…

God’s Renovation

The death camp in Auschwitz became the killing centre during WWII where the largest numbers of European Jews were murdered by the Nazis. One Christian man who died here became a martyr to the truth of evils of Nazism – a true hero for our time, a saint who lived what he preached, total love…

Announcement: 04/17/2016

“Highway Cleanup” is fast approaching, it is scheduled for May 7th (Saturday), 8:00am-12:00pm. Sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board at the lobby area. For more details, click https://ecbchurch.org/english/events/highway-cleanup/ We are planning to have another team of volunteers to help out at the Food Bank on Saturday June 4th, 2016. It will be…

Paul’s Prayer for the Church

Christians, like children, grow also. As young Christians we feed on the sincere milk of the Word until we are mature enough for more hearty meals. And as we grow, expectations increase. We can’t—and don’t want to—remain infants forever – at least I hope not. Grander and bolder horizons are set before us by God…

Announcement: 04/09/2016

Bottle Drive is next week, April 17th! Support this initiative by donating your cans and bottles at home. The money collected from Bottle Drive will put towards our “Mission” fund. “Highway Cleanup” is fast approaching, it is scheduled for May 7th (Saturday), 8:00am-12:00pm. Sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board at the lobby area. For more…