
Blog Posts (Page 107)

We have various blog posts from different people around the church. We hope this will provide another channel to gain more understanding about our church, about being a christian, as well as about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Announcement: 2/5/2017

The Cantonese Congregation is organizing a Lunar New Year Celebration on February 11th between 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. On that day, there will be a variety of booths for an assortment of activities. Note: Food tickets will be on sale today. You may contact Grace Kwok for more information. The Edmonton Foodbank is in…

The Art of Imitation

Although I’ve never been to Las Vegas, I am a little curious to go. I think part of the attraction is the many shows that go on every night along the strip. Many famous entertainers do shows at the many casinos hoping to attract tourists to watch and inevitably gamble. One of the fascinating things…

Disappointed with God

Last year, my wife and I had an amazing time traveling to Ireland. It was the first time we had been on a big trip without children and without seeing extended family. We ended up being gone almost three weeks traveling to and exploring the Emerald Isle. But like any holiday, the reality of what…

Announcement: 1/22/2017

Our next Special Membership Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 22nd, which will take place immediately after the Cantonese Service at around 12:30 pm. There are (so far) 3 items listed for that meeting – approval for the new Trustee board members, HR board member, and the 2017 church budget. Our first Joint Worship of 2017…