
Blog Posts (Page 102)

We have various blog posts from different people around the church. We hope this will provide another channel to gain more understanding about our church, about being a christian, as well as about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Don’t Panic!

Disaster movies often have a “don’t panic” scene. The hero or heroine is trying to organize the others to escape the oncoming disaster, but somebody loses his or her head and starts screaming about how they’re all going to die. “Don’t panic!” shouts the one in charge, often slapping the panicky one. Generally speaking, it’s…

Announcement: 5/14/2017

Happy Mother’s Day! Our next Special Membership Meeting is set on May 28th, which will take place immediately after the Cantonese Service at around 12:30 pm. Motion to pass the ECBC Constitution (by-law) revision Motion to accept the 2016 Church Financial Statement The Edmonton Foodbank is in desperate need of volunteers. If you have been trained…

Becoming More Like Jesus

Let me start by asking everyone a question: “Which one of your parents do you look more like? Which one are you like in your personality? In our humanness, we take on much of our looks and personality from the genetic material each of our parents contributes. In many ways, I don’t look much like…

Announcement: 5/7/2017

Our next Special Membership Meeting has been postponed to May, which will take place immediately after the Cantonese Service at around 12:30 pm. The Edmonton Foodbank is in desperate need of volunteers. If you have been trained and have time to spare, please go to their website and sign up for a shift. www.edmontonsfoodbank.com Announcement…

Excuses to Obedience

This past weekend, I went with our LOHF (Leaders of Hope Fellowship) on a retreat to Jasper. It was an opportunity to bond as a group and teach them a few things about living for God through purpose and service. As part of our weekend, we went on a hike just outside the town. The…