
Posts by Gary Chan (Page 92)

Announcement: 01/11/2015

Our Children Ministry is inviting all volunteers and parents with children of elementary-aged to a information section today. It will take place immediately after Sunday School, which is around 12:30pm. Duration of the section is estimated to be 30 minutes. There will be a similar section targeted for nursery on the following Sunday. The 2014…

Christianity and Science: DNA

Prologue: We are doing a two part mini-series for the youth SSC about Christianity and Science. This is a controversial topic that constantly being examine by scholars around the world. Bringing this to the table at the Youth SSC makes me nervous. On one hand, we want to provide relevant and proper information, and on…

Announcement: 01/05/2015

Please notice that, starting from January 1, 2015, we will adopt the online booking system for all of our church facility booking. In order to use the online booking system, one must first register by sending a request to wai@ualberta.net (Bryan Wai) with the following information: First Name, Last Name, Active Email Address, and Active…

Coming Soon: Youth SSC Blog

On the last Sunday of 2014, I brought up the topic of blogging during the Sunday School hour as my New Year Resolution and immediately a student of mine mentioned that perhaps I should blog about our class. After much thought, I think I will take up that challenge and try to blog at least…

Announcement: 12/28/2014

Please notice that, starting from January 1, 2015, we will adopt the online booking system for all of our church facility booking. In order to use the online booking system, one must first register by sending a request to wai@ualberta.net (Bryan Wai) with the following information: First Name, Last Name, Active Email Address, and Active…