English Congregation Announcement
- Next Sunday, December 22nd, we look forward to celebrating Christmas with a Sunday Joint Service at 10:00 am. This special service will include a baptism ceremony. We will also collect the Great Commission Offering (GCO) on behalf of CNBC. We invite everyone to participate in this joyful occasion and contribute to our mission.
- Join us for a festive Christmas dinner, Jesus Party, at the church gym on Friday, December 20th, starting at 5:30 p.m. and wrapping up at 9:30 p.m. This is a potluck event, so bring your favourite dish to share! Everyone is welcome!
- We’re excited to start a “Coffee Time” before and after worship! If you love making coffee or hot chocolate and enjoy chatting with others, we’d love to have you on the team. Feel free to chat with Pastor Ryan if you’re interested or have any questions.
- We are collecting for the Edmonton Food Bank. When you come to church for activities, please bring a non-perishable food item. Every donation counts!
Announcement from The Finance Committee
- If you wish to submit any offerings toward the 2024 tax record:
- For cash or check donations: Please place them in the church donation box by December 29.
- For e-transfers: Complete the transfer through your bank by 11:59 PM on December 30.
- Offerings received after these deadlines will count toward 2025.
- We will email our church members the official tax deduction receipt (RECEIPT) for 2024. To ensure accurate information, please sign up (or update your info) for an e-tax receipt on the church webpage by providing your personal details. The form is on the Offering Information page or under the “Resources” tab. All information is confidential and used only for issuing RECEIPTS.