
Announcement: 09/12/2021

Announcement from The Church Council

  • Starting July 18th, 2021, we will resume in-person worship services, the total number of attendees for each congregation will not exceed 15% of the seating capacity in the worship hall. Pre-registration for in-person worship services is required to reserve your seating for yourself and/ family members. Complete screening questionnaire either online or at the time of entering the church building before worship starts is also required. All congregations will follow the latest Relaunch guidelines set up by the Facility Committee for clean-up and safety measurements.
  • Other in-person gatherings and Children’s Worship services will remain closed until September 30, 2021. Subject to COVID 19 status, an announcement is to be made upon further re-opening for in-person services on or before September 31, 2021. Please stay tuned for updates and details.

Announcement from The Finance Committee

English Congregation Announcement

  • We’ll continue our studies on Monday night with “Hot Seat Sunday”, a question and answer podcast. We’ll begin at 7:00 pm, then move into our Prayer Halo time immediately afterward
    – Study Room: 762-765-1609 ; Password: Christ

  • Churchwide Zoom Prayer Meeting is on every Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
    – Prayer Room: 948-974-2989 ; Password: 282762


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