English Congregation Announcement
- Prayer Halo Time this Wednesday will be both in-person and on Discord. For more information, please contact Gary or Ryan.
- Prayer items:
- Short-term Mission: Please continue to remember our short-term mission trip team (Michelle Ou, Hetta Chau, Paul Chau, Irene Tsang, Andy Tsang, Dora Ng, Phuong yen Co) to Costa Rica from August 17th to 28th.
Announcement from The Cantonese COngregation
- On Sunday, September 3rd, our Cantonese worship service will take place at Angels’ Valley Retreat Center at 11:00 am. We rented a tour bus that day to take you from church to the place of worship, and it will be $15 per person. We are also going to host an outdoor barbecue lunch after worship, and the lunch fee is $15 per person.
- If you are unable to participate in the in-person worship, an online worship link will be provided in advance, or feel free to join the English or Mandarin congregation’s worship at church.