
Posts from 2018 (Page 17)

Finding Our Passion

This past weekend was spent wandering around the Shaw Conference Centre here in Edmonton. I was attending a Christian conference, listening to various speakers and presenters in assemblies and workshops, listening to people’s testimonies, and speaking with representatives of various Christian ministries and institutions. Our worship times were led by some of the most famous…

Jesus and Me

The Christian life is more than just “Jesus and me.” But it is not less. Our culture today is focused on individualism. Listen to your heart. Do what makes you feel good. Even in our spirituality, we are self-determined. We don’t need the church or other Christians because we can fully rely upon and trust…

Announcement: 01/21/2018

Break Forth One [Jan 26-28, 2018] Check out the official website at http://www.breakforthcanada.com/ Please note, due to Break Forth One, there will be no English Worship Service at ECBC on January 28th. Worship for the Cantonese, Mandarin, and Children Ministry will continue to take place at their usual time. The first Joint Worship of 2018 is…

God’s Purpose for Trials and Temptations

Let me start off with a statement that some might find difficult to swallow, “God allows temptation and trial because they can be good for us.” Now for some of us, this might be difficult to accept. How can a loving God allow difficulties in our lives that can cause us to struggle, fall and…

Announcement: 01/14/2018

Break Forth One [Jan 26-28, 2018] Check out the official website at http://www.breakforthcanada.com/ Please note, due to Break Forth One, there will be no English Worship Service at ECBC on January 28th. Worship for the Cantonese, Mandarin, and Children Ministry will continue to take place at their usual time. The first Joint Worship of 2018 is…