
'sacrifice' tagged posts

Jesus, our High Priest

Have you ever been given an important message to deliver? In the Bible, the person that was given that responsibility was the prophet. Their function was to deliver the word of God to people. The function of the priest is to provide access to God for the people. On Mount Sinai, God gave Moses the…

It is Settled

When we lived in Calgary, our home was located in one of the city’s most coveted neighbourhoods. People drove nice cars and many lived in massive homes. The sad part of living in a community like that is when people would come home, they would drive into their garages and you would never see them…

Once and For All

Most of us like to live a settled life. We like to have a place that we can call home and to which we can safely retreat at the end of a long day. We like to know that we will receive a paycheck on a particular day, and we do not like to guess…

Sacrifice and Worship

Recent trends in the church have included the move towards social justice. I believe this is a very important shift in the focus and ministry of the church. From what I have seen though is this movement has been motivated more by perceived needs of the world and the culture’s own move towards causes rather…

Continuing the Story of Easter

This beautiful Monday morning has given me a chance to reflect on this past weekend. Easter is a time of remembrance and celebration. It is a time we set aside to remember what Jesus Christ did on the cross 2000 years ago and to celebrate how His actions have given us forgiveness and hope. When…