
'rich' tagged posts

To Share and Share Alike

Sharing is something we are all encouraged to do. We were taught by our parents the importance of it and we teach it to our own children. In the early stages of the church, sharing was seen as a way of helping others who were not as fortunate. We read in Acts 2:44-45, “All the…

Pursuing Your Real Treasure

How many of us have ever waved at someone thinking it was somebody you knew only to discover it wasn’t? It’s kind of embarrassing isn’t it? Now imagine you are pursuing something in your life only to discover in the end that it was meaningless… how would that make you feel? In Luke 12, a man…

Rich in Christ

Whenever I go grocery shopping, inevitably I end up in the “slow” line. Sometimes it is a new cashier in training and other times it is a price check. But there have been the odd times where the person paying for their groceries did not have enough money or their card didn’t work. I think…

The Source of Our Blessings

In our Sunday School class yesterday, we had a good discussion on James 5:1-6. If you don’t know the passage, it is about a warning to those who are rich. For many of us in Canada, we don’t realize how well off we are. Yet, in spite of our affluence, we complain more about what…