
'promise' tagged posts

Faith-filled or Faithless

In our Bible study, we have been going through the book of 1 Corinthians. One of the debatable passages is found in chapters 12-14 when Paul talks about spiritual gifts. Some believe they ended with the apostles, and still, others believe they continue on today. I am in the latter group. Now before I go…

Into the Unknown

Going into the New Year, most of us do so with a sense of expectation. Although there are many unknowns, we also have faith in the God who holds our lives, our futures in His hands. He is sovereign over all and knows what is best for us. How do we know this? God’s Word…

God Almighty

One of my favourite activities to do when my children were young and unable to read was to take time to read books to them. We had hundreds of books, but over time, it became apparent that there were some favourites. Many we read every day. Also, after a time, I would get tired of…

Feeling Insecure? Turn to God!

November 11th is a day that we set aside to remember. We take time to honour those who gave their lives and served so that we might enjoy the freedoms we have today. I can imagine during those years of war that it was a time of uncertainty for everyone. What if the allies lost? What would our…