
'love' tagged posts (Page 7)

My New Year’s “Resolution”

I was thinking about New Year’s coming up and the things I’d like to see changed in my life. Now as many of you know, I don’t like making resolutions…mainly because I break them all! But there are things in my life and ministry I’d like to see change. The one area that has really…

Rediscovering God’s Love

I can remember many years ago taking a seminar on working with youth. The speaker shared about his experience working with teenagers and made some profound observations. He described a group of youth using three categories: honest pagans – those searching for truth; committed Christians – those committed to learning more about their faith; and…

After the Flood…

We had a big rain storm here in Edmonton on Saturday night. There was a lot of thunder and the ground got a good soaking. The rain, coupled with our Sunday School class got me thinking about life. We have been going through Genesis in our Sunday School class and just finished chapter 8. This…

Having a Complete Picture of God

I find it fascinating how two (or more) people can read the same thing, yet come up with different conclusions. One of the most common differences is with how people see the Bible. Has anyone ever told you there are two Gods in the Bible? There is a cruel God of the Old Testament and…

Handling Fear

Life is filled with uncertainty. In a time when job security is at an almost all-time low, many people are struggling with facing each day. Our environment is falling apart with global warming. Aging brings on health issues which complicate life and make things less pleasurable. With all the unknowns ahead of us and some…