
'faith' tagged posts (Page 5)

Christ is Risen, Indeed!

When I was growing up, every year we had to go the cemetery and pay our respects to the ancestors. It was based on the Chinese calendar and almost always ended up around Easter. There we would give an offering of rice, an orange, an apple, a shot of tea and an alcoholic beverage, and…

Finding Hope in Loss

One of the things I take great pleasure in life is to take time and sit down with a good book. Now there are many different types of literature out there. You have science fiction, poetry, historical novels, sports anthologies, and even the dreaded romance novels! Now, I’ve never been one to read romance novels,…

Disappointed with God

Last year, my wife and I had an amazing time traveling to Ireland. It was the first time we had been on a big trip without children and without seeing extended family. We ended up being gone almost three weeks traveling to and exploring the Emerald Isle. But like any holiday, the reality of what…

Steps to a Deeper Faith Pt. 3

I’ve mentioned in the past how our convention’s purpose statement is “giving ourselves away for the kingdom of God.” This means we are to live our lives involved in kingdom work by serving others. In Matthew 14, we read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Now we generally focus on the miracle of how…

Steps to a Deeper Faith Pt. 2

We live in a very individualistic society. Much of what we do and even the relationships we develop are founded on the principle of “What’s in it for me?” But the truth is, we can’t look at relationships in that way. Although we are individuals, we live in neighbourhoods, communities, cities and nations. So today,…