
'calling' tagged posts

Make Me a Believer

As we go through life, every now and then we have those defining, life-altering moments. Something out of the ordinary happens to us and changes the course of our lives. We see the world in a brand new way. Everything is different. Think about the pandemic we are experiencing right now. How we live and…

Essentials to Prayer

Jesus exemplified a meaningful prayer life. He took regular time to pray often escaping away by Himself to spend time with His Father. Prayer was an important aspect of His life and ministry. Jesus saw prayer as a time of refreshment, an opportunity for communion, and to intercede to God on the behalf of others.…


It is important that in every generation God’s people hear His call in their lives. In 1st Samuel, we read about the young man Samuel hearing God’s call. Usually, when we think or talk about God calling someone, we think about him calling a young person. Although that is the scenario on which this text focuses,…

When God Sneaks Up on Us

Have you ever had someone sneak up behind you and surprise you? Often times, it is not a very pleasant experience. After yelling and screaming, possibly letting out an expletive, we try to calm down and find a sense of normalcy. We often turn to the instigator of the experience and give them a piece…

Excuses to Obedience

This past weekend, I went with our LOHF (Leaders of Hope Fellowship) on a retreat to Jasper. It was an opportunity to bond as a group and teach them a few things about living for God through purpose and service. As part of our weekend, we went on a hike just outside the town. The…