
Reflection (Page 45)

Faith in Tough Times

These past couple weeks have been difficult for the citizens of Fort McMurray. The entire city was evacuated with many leaving with just the clothes on their backs. Sadly, many lost their homes and possessions and even more are left with uncertainty. Do we go back and rebuild or do we start over somewhere else?…

Worshipping in Adversity

Many of you are aware that this past week, a fire in northern Alberta swept through the area of Fort McMurray, displacing upwards of 88 000 people. This has brought a lot of “refugees” into our city. This has put a huge burden on the residents and businesses here but all have stepped up to…

The Blame Game

On most days, I stop at Starbucks for coffee before heading to the office. There, I usually spend some time talking with staff and other patrons. Many days I visit with a man who has lived a pretty tough life. He is almost 60 and lives on a fixed income in a not so nice apartment. In many…

Living Above the Crowd

One of the big struggles we as Christians have is figuring out how we can make an impact in our world. Truth be told, many of us are influenced more by the world than we influence it. So how do we live differently in order to impact the world for Christ? In the book of…

God’s Renovation

The death camp in Auschwitz became the killing centre during WWII where the largest numbers of European Jews were murdered by the Nazis. One Christian man who died here became a martyr to the truth of evils of Nazism – a true hero for our time, a saint who lived what he preached, total love…