
Reflection (Page 23)


I can imagine most people looking at the title might do so with a bit of confusion. I usually do not address social issues as they can be so divisive because of their subjectivity. That being said on October 17th, recreational cannabis will be legal in Canada. That means possessing and using cannabis will be…

Are You Unthankful?

This past weekend was Thanksgiving. It is a time when we give thanks for the blessings we have and experience in life. But when you think of what the opposite of that is, what comes to mind? I think the opposite actually is—grumbling, complaining, and whining. Thankful is very active. If I am a thankful…

Born Again

Just over 2 weeks ago, our third grandchild, Alistair came into the world. It was a snowy “summer” day in Edmonton. As far as births go, his entrance into the world was fairly typical and uneventful. There were no complications and he went home with his parents the next day. As he grows up, he…

Understanding Grace

One of the most awful feelings I have experienced in my life is the feeling of guilt when I realize my sin. Now, I’m not talking about the kind of guilt when I get caught or even the remorse, I’m talking about the magnitude of sin in its effect on my relationship with God. For…


It is important that in every generation God’s people hear His call in their lives. In 1st Samuel, we read about the young man Samuel hearing God’s call. Usually, when we think or talk about God calling someone, we think about him calling a young person. Although that is the scenario on which this text focuses,…