
Reflection (Page 22)

Be Gentle

Being a grandparent is a really incredible thing. To be able to hold a newborn baby in one’s arms is amazing. As the great hymn, “Because He Lives,” says, “How sweet to hold a newborn baby and feel the pride and joy he gives; but greater still the calm assurance: this child can face uncertain…

Surrender Leads to Victory

Sunday was Remembrance Day. It is a day we set aside to remember and honour the fallen, the veterans who survived and those who continue to serve and sacrifice so much so we can experience the freedoms we have in our country. I cannot imagine what our lives would have been like if 100 years…

A Song of God’s Faithfulness

In Who Needs God, Harold Kushner writes this: “The next time you go to the zoo, notice where the lines are the longest and people take the most time in front of the cage. We tend to walk briskly past the deer and the antelope, with only a passing glance at their graceful beauty. If we have children,…

Handling Our Doubts

One of the things I love about the Bible is how honest it is. The pages of Scripture do not gloss over the flaws and sins and weaknesses of people. Even the great heroes of the faith are not airbrushed or photo-shopped to make them look superhuman. I also love that Scripture lets us see the…

The Great Exchange

In the life of Jesus, He has interactions with people from every walk of life. There were fishermen, teachers of the law, prostitutes and tax collectors. But there was one person with whom Jesus had no contact with yet he benefited greatly because of Jesus’ death. His name was Barabbas. His name literally means, “son…