
Reflection (Page 21)

Missing Christmas

I read a story about a family that lived during the depression. Knowing his son loved the circus, the father saved up some money for him to go. The day arrived and the circus paraded into town. The son ran out of the house and sat on the sidewalk watching the animals and performers go…

Out of the Darkness

Many years ago on the cover of one of the most renowned newspapers in the world, an ad appeared which said, “The meaning of Christmas is that love will triumph and that we will be able to put together a world of unity and peace.” In other words, the light is within us, and that…

Six Reasons for Christmas

Almost 30 years ago, our family suffered one of the most difficult tragedies that can occur… the loss of a child. During that time and even today, people often ask, “How did you handle that?” My answer, “We couldn’t… at least not without hope.” I have attended and done many funerals where there wasn’t that…

Recovering Hope

Christmas is a time where we gather with family and friends, and if we are Christians, celebrate the Incarnation, the time in history when God became a man and walked among us. The Incarnation was an important moment in history as it gave a face to God and in turn, God gave demonstrated to us…

Falling Short

I think many of us feel a tremendous amount of pressure to perform. Now I am not referring to doing a play or singing a song, rather I am thinking about living our lives to meet someone else’s expectations. It might be our parents, trying to live our lives in light of their expectations. It…