
Reflection (Page 20)

God’s Purpose for Thorns

Roses are some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. You can now buy them in a myriad of colours and intensity of aromas. They are the standard flower used to express love between people. Almost everything about them is beautiful from the flowers to the strong stems that hold them. But there is…

Finding Joy in Forgiveness

Whenever I am asked about living in Edmonton, I find myself a little hesitant to answer. You see, my wife and I have lived in many different parts of Western Canada. We have traveled to Mexico, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and parts of the United States. Each place we have lived or visited has…

Testing Your Faith

Sometimes when you read the Bible, a verse will jump out off the page and slap you across the face. When you read the Bible with an open mind and heart, the bluntness of it can be jarring. One verse in particular that comes to mind is 1 John 2:19. It says, “They went out…

From the Inside Out

“You’re not going out wearing that!” How many of us have heard that before? I usually hear it when I attempt to leave the house wearing sweatpants. The truth is, many of us place a tremendous amount of importance on one’s outward appearance. The first church I served at had an unwritten “rule” that pastors…

A Fresh Start

This is the time of year, where most people take inventory of there lives and make resolutions to change. Here are the top 10 most popular: 1. Lose weight 2. Stop smoking 3. Stick to a budget 4. Save or earn more money 5. Find a better job 6. Become more organized 7. Exercise more…