
Reflection (Page 19)

The Gospel of Unity

Our world is becoming more and more divided. In politics, the polarization of parties and ideologies is increasing as much as the division between the rich and the poor. Even in churches, divisions and segregation are practiced every day. Sadly, tribalism is stronger than ever. In our church, I have been preaching out of the…

Building the House of God

Many Christians have a tendency to compartmentalize their lives. Work is limited to the office, family life is at home and church life is at the church. This has led to a misunderstanding of how the Christian life is to be lived. The Christian life then becomes limited to where we believe or want to…

Crazy for Jesus

I think all of us have heard the verse from Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Based on this verse, people are quick to say, “God has great things planned for your life!”…

Releasing Resentment

When you think about great men and women of the Bible, King David’s name inevitably comes up. In fact, many would say he was their favourite. But if you take the time to look at how he finished his life, it did not seem to end very well. His last words to Solomon in 1…

Respect One Another

When I walk into Starbucks, inevitably somebody is walking out. Out of courtesy and habit, I hold the door open allowing the other person to exit the store. While I sit in the store having my morning coffee, I often observe how people interact when entering and exiting the building. Some are courteous and gracious,…