
Reflection (Page 17)

Grace to Works

If you ask anyone, “What is the most well-known hymn of all-time”, there is no doubt the answer would be “Amazing Grace.” The staying power of that song in a secular culture is amazing. When we think of I,t we have to marvel at the word grace. When most religious words are overused and mean…

The Wisdom of God

As much as people debate the existence of a god and books continue to be printed declaring the virtues of atheism, God still does well in the polls. With all these opinions and views, perhaps the larger question is, “What kind of God are we voting for in these opinion polls?” I can read Christopher…

Jesus, My Best Friend

This past weekend, I attended the funeral of a young man who lost his life in a hiking accident in the Rocky Mountains. As sad as the funeral was, it was touching to hear the tributes that were shared. His girlfriend, his sister, his dad and a few of his friends shared stories and shed…

Perfected Love

I have been preaching out of Galatians for the last few months. Sharing out of chapter 5, we discovered that living a life of love fulfils the law. I started to think about love and I was drawn to 1 John. Here, John calls us to love God and one another in what he calls…

To Share and Share Alike

Sharing is something we are all encouraged to do. We were taught by our parents the importance of it and we teach it to our own children. In the early stages of the church, sharing was seen as a way of helping others who were not as fortunate. We read in Acts 2:44-45, “All the…