
Reflection (Page 15)

Living a Life of Dependence

Jesus had the amazing ability to uncover the roots of spiritual sickness. As a spiritual physician, He offers a diagnosis, prognosis, and most importantly, a cure. Among the many people Jesus encounters, Mark 10 introduces Jesus to someone who, for all his virtue and high ideals, suffers from an acute ethical and moral sickness. This…


We all have dates during the year that are memorable. Some are for good reasons like wedding anniversaries and birthdays. For me, one of those days is getting nearer. As of August 9th approaches, it brings me to another day of remembering. Another year and another anniversary. This year is a little different as I will…

It is Settled

When we lived in Calgary, our home was located in one of the city’s most coveted neighbourhoods. People drove nice cars and many lived in massive homes. The sad part of living in a community like that is when people would come home, they would drive into their garages and you would never see them…

For Such a Time as This

For those who grew up in the Church, the story of Esther is one of those very memorable stories from the Old Testament that became a part of your childhood education. However, many who came into the Church later in life may have missed the opportunity to become acquainted with this moving story of a…

God Almighty

One of my favourite activities to do when my children were young and unable to read was to take time to read books to them. We had hundreds of books, but over time, it became apparent that there were some favourites. Many we read every day. Also, after a time, I would get tired of…