
Reflection (Page 13)

Chosen to Bear Fruit

This past weekend, I had the privilege of participating and sharing at my son’s ordination service. Although the sermon was directed for him and his family, the message is for all Christians. I have modified it and generalized it to make it applicable for us all. Jesus tells us in John 15:16: “You did not…

What Makes Jesus Mad?

Gordon Ramsay, the famous British chef, is known for his temper and foul mouth. I recently watched a YouTube video where he appeared on The Tonight Show. As part of the interview, the host had a “Swear Jar” for Gordon to put money in every time he cursed. It did not take long for the…

God of the Details

“The devil is in the details.” I made this statement at a recent church meeting. I said those words because the discussion seemed to be caught up with the processes and procedures rather than the objective. Questions were made and answers were given and then a short time later, the same questions were asked. I…

The Path to Corruption

It seemed like a good idea at the time. We had spent the evening barhopping and partying with our classmates. Everyone was feeling “good” but now it was time to go back to our homes. Instead of listening to my own common sense by calling a taxi, all six of us crammed into a tiny…

Adapting to Changing Seasons

“Round my door, the leaves are falling and a cold wild wind will come…” The words of Bob Dylan ring true around this time of the year. The changing seasons are a reflection of life. As the great philosopher, King Solomon, wisely said in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, there “There is a time for everything, and a season…