
Reflection (Page 12)

Connecting the Dots

When people ask me as a pastor what gets me excited, most expect me to say, “When somebody gives their lives to Jesus.” In Luke 9 we read that the angels in heaven rejoice when a sinner repents. Therefore, when a person commits their lives to Christ, that should excite us. Although I agree that…

What is Your Soul Worth?

I was reading an article that gave the value of the minerals and chemicals in our bodies. The answer? Just over six dollars. The information was rather eye-opening considering a few years ago it was almost ten dollars. Talk about depreciation! In Mark 8:36, we read: “What good is it for someone to gain the…

Take it to Jesus

I have been feeling tired lately. I think a lot of it is some of the pressures and cares that almost every pastor has. The truth is, we all have burdens. Some have a physical handicap, chronic illnesses, or some abnormality you cannot change. Some have spiritual burdens. Maybe your life is filled with constant…

God’s Universal Message

One of the hardest thing for pastors to do is prepare a sermon that will meet everyone’s needs. Usually, the message will address a specific need or topic but for some listeners, it may not be relevant to their lives. As I thought about what to write about for today, I wanted to find something…

Wired to Doubt

We have been doing some renovations on our sixty-year-old house. It is challenging to fix an old building because when you open a wall, whatever you find needs to be fixed. In some houses you will find aluminum and copper wiring in the same wall. If discovered, it must be fixed. Rewiring a house is…