
Reflection (Page 10)

Making Unity a Reality

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Does that sound familiar? In 1 Corinthians 1:10-17, Paul addresses a problem that still exists today. That problem is the lack of unity in the Christian church. The Corinthian Christians were divided into factions based on who had baptized them instead of being united in the…

Salvation Leads to Praise

In Hebrews 9, we read this: “And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.” Death and judgement are events all humanity will face one day. For most of the people in the world, this will be their future. But what about for the Christian? Is this what we have…

The Model Church

One of the most wonderful verses in the Bible is found in Acts 4:34. It says “There was not a needy person among them.” The early church in Jerusalem was described in this way. This is one of the most amazing ways to describe a church. What was their secret? How as it possible? Acts…

Accepted by God

With the creation of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, it creates an opportunity to expand our connections in the world. I have had the chance to reconnect with people I grew up with along with other believers from around the world. One of the things I ask people regarding their connections is how…

Making the Most of the Bible in 2020

Going into a new year, I think many of us set goals we hope to achieve. These goals might be health-related or related to our vocations, but the general idea is to make changes for the betterment of your life. But for the Christian, what goals should we make especially in regards to our spiritual…