
Announcement: 03/05/2023

English Congregation Announcement

  • Reminder: Daylight saving time 2023 in Canada will begin at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 12; clocks are turned forward for 1 hour.
  • Prayer item, Short-term Mission: Our Cantonese Congregation and CCM Canada are organizing a joint short-term mission trip in Costa Rica. The goal is to cooperate with the local Chinese church to carry out mission work in several cities in Costa Rica.
  • Prayer Halo time will continue on Monday night at 7:00 pm on Discord.

Announcement from The Church Council

  • For Members only, in regards to “Active” and “Non-Active” membership status. As stated in our Church Constitution, “Any church member who has been absent from regular church service for six months or more…will be declared (as) a Non-Active member”, which “absent” may include those whose streams worship service online. Therefore, starting in the month of March, the Church Council is requesting each congregation to record attendance, in supporting the membership committee to determine the proper status of each member.
  • The following Special Membership Meeting is scheduled for March 12th at 1:30 pm. There is (so far) 2 voting item:
    • The Church Council proposes to accept the 2023 Church Budget*.
      *There will be a Q&A session on March 5th (after worship services) for the 2023 Church Budget.
    • The Church Council proposes to accept the recommendation from the HR Board, to recruit Mr. Leung Lung Kwong as the new Church Office Administrator, starting April 1st, 2023.

Facility Committee Announcement

  • In the next few months, brothers and sisters may see some radon monitoring equipment installed in the church. Monitoring equipment will be used to measure church Radon levels. Do not touch the device during monitoring. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Facility Committee.
    “What is Radon?” by the Government of Canada – https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/video/what-is-radon.html


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