Sermons (Page 9)

God chose Joshua

Zoom Recording on Sunday, July 10, 2022 NUMBERS 27:12-22; DEUTERONOMY 34:5-9; JOSHUA 1:1-9 The people of Israel had waited for many years to enter the land God had promised them. God told Moses, their leader: “Go up the mountain to see the land I have given the Israelites. After you have seen it, your life…

God created the world

GENESIS 1–3 In the very beginning, God created everything—from absolutely nothing! The first thing God created was light. Then He created the sky and air so people and plants could breathe. He created plants and trees to provide food and shelter. He put the sun, moon, and stars in place. Then God created animals: every…

Paul travelled to Rome

Recorded on June 26 (Children’s online program) ACTS 27–28 Paul had been arrested, and he asked to speak to Caesar, the leader of the Roman Empire. Caesar was in Rome, so Paul got on a ship with other prisoners going there. Strong winds and rain tossed the ship. The ship’s crew waited until the wind…

Lydia believed in Jesus

Zoom Recording on June 12, 2022 ACTS 16:6-15 While Paul and his friends were traveling, Paul had a vision during the night. He saw a man begging them to come to Macedonia to help them. Paul and his friends immediately left for Macedonia, knowing God wanted them to preach the gospel there. They arrived in…

Jesus Taught Nicodemus

The Bible Meets Life: Today your child heard that the Bible tells that Jesus is the Savior. Nicodemus visited Jesus to learn more about Him. Jesus told Nicodemus that He is the Messiah.  Live It Out: Review the Bible story and say the Weekly Bible Verse, John 3:16, with your child. Encourage her to write the…

Peter wrote letter

Recorded on Sunday, May 29, 2022 Children’s online worship 1 Peter; 2 Peter Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples. After Jesus went back to heaven and the church began to grow, Peter wrote two letters to some of the believers. Peter wrote the first letter to believers in the Roman provinces in Asia Minor. Peter…

People prayed for peter

Acts 12:1-19 King Herod arrested different believers not long after Jesus had gone back to heaven. He arrested Peter. King Herod ordered 16 soldiers to guard Peter. The king was going to kill him in a few days. At the same time, Peter was in jail, the church gathered in someone’s home and prayed for…